What's SPF
SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation system designed to prevent email spam by detecting email spoofing, a common vulnerability, by verifying sender IP addresses. SPF allows administrators to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail from a given domain by creating a specific SPF record (or TXT record) in the Domain Name System (DNS). Mail exchangers use the DNS to check that mail from a given domain is being sent by a host sanctioned by that domain’s administrators.
If your email is send from the ip of your domain, then you don’t need set it at all.
You can use https://senderscore.org/ to test the score of your domain.
10 Apr 2012
Simple Javascript Inheritance
You can understand what is below coding doing.
var Person = Class.extend({
init: function(isDancing){
this.dancing = isDancing;
dance: function(){
return this.dancing;
var Ninja = Person.extend({
init: function(){
this._super( false );
dance: function(){
// Call the inherited version of dance()
return this._super();
swingSword: function(){
return true;
var p = new Person(true);
p.dance(); // => true
var n = new Ninja();
n.dance(); // => false
n.swingSword(); // => true
// Should all be true
p instanceof Person && p instanceof Class &&
n instanceof Ninja && n instanceof Person && n instanceof Class
I found this because I read it from the souce code of a opensource online game (BrowserQuest), which is based on node.js and html5 websocket.
29 Mar 2012
Basic Security issues which programmers need to know
- 不要信任用户的输入信息!
- 验证所有来自非信任源的输入信息,是使用白名单,不是黑名单。
- 从一开始就要策划安全。安全并不是可以在最后来做的。
- 保持简单。复杂性会增加安全漏洞的可能性。
- 最低限度保持你程序的攻击面(attack surface)[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_surface]。
- 确保程序有“自动防故障装置”(Fail-safe)[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail-safe]
- 采用深度防御(defence in depth)[https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/bsi/articles/knowledge/principles/347-BSI.html]
- 坚持最小特权原则(least privilege)[https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/bsi/articles/knowledge/principles/351-BSI.html]
- 采用威胁建模(threat modelling)[http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Threat_Risk_Modeling](Web程序更应如此)
- 权限分离(Compartmentalize)[http://www.cgisecurity.com/owasp/html/ch04s09.html]
- 没有不透风的墙,在代码中隐藏秘密都无法长久。
- Don’t write your own crypto / 不要自己编写一种加密方法
- 采用加密(crypto),并不意味着你就安全了(攻击者会寻找弱点)
- 注意缓冲区溢出,并了解如何防范
29 Mar 2012
How to check how many connections that connected to one process
Since I am going to look how many connections conntected to one process, so I need such a command:
lsof -a -p pid
And how many open file descriptors are currently being used
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
23 Mar 2012
Get an error from eventmachine
Today I am doing a test to see how many concurrent connections that a eventmachine can support, but got a error like this.
ruby: ed.cpp:938: void ConnectionDescriptor::_WriteOutboundData(): Assertion
nbytes > 0’ failed.`
After investigation I found the solution:
- Only call EM.epoll before calling EM.run
- Only call EM.set_descriptor_table_size before calling EM.run
23 Mar 2012